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Discover the Sand Crib of La Pineda

Discover the Sand Crib of La Pineda

The magic of Christmas has arrived at Vila-seca La Pineda, and with it, a unique wonder: the Sand Crib. Several artists from around the world gather on the beach of this town to make, by hand, the formidable monuments that will make up the special nativity scene. Pinar del Perruquet Park, year after year, hosts the nativity scene and becomes the sculptors' blank canvas.   

From BusPlana, we provide you with schedules of the regular lines, which you can check on our website, to travel to La Pineda from Tarragona, Salou, Cambrils, Reus, Barcelona Airport and Barcelona. Remember that, if you live in Vila-seca or La Plana, you can opt for line 1 of the city bus to move between the three population centres.    

History of the Sand Crib   

The idea of making a sand crib, next to the long beach of La Pineda, was born in the year 2000 and, since then, every year, at this time, it has continued to be organised. Every Christmas, more than 25,000 people come to Pinar del Perruquet Park to discover the gigantic sculptures on display here.   

The carefully crafted sand figures represent the most iconic scenes of Christmas history. From the Nativity to the Three Wise Men, every detail comes to life in this ephemeral exhibition that captivates visitors of all ages.    

In addition, apart from the typical nativity scenes, each year the specific theme of the sculptures is changed, being, in most cases, tributes or criticisms to situations that have been lived or are being lived in our territory and in the world. Some examples of themes are the climate emergency, excessive consumption and classic tales. Also, in some editions, elements formed by robotic figures have been built, as a representation of the incredible evolution of technology. The undeniable creativity is what makes this crib so special and unique.   

The creative process   

Designing and constructing such a complex architectural ensemble clearly cannot be easy. Several international artists work the sand for about a week to create a unique and different sculptural group, year after year. Leading the group of international artists and coordinating this project since its first edition in 2000 is Nuria Vallverdú, project manager, journalist, architect and sand sculptor.   

The gigantic figures occupy an area of approximately 300 m². To build them all, some 300 m³ of sand are needed, which means working with 400 tonnes of sand to build this nativity scene.   

Previous editions    

The previous edition, 2022-2023, paid tribute to the history of art. In addition to the essential elements of a nativity scene, some of the most representative stages in the history of art were on display, ranging, for example, from a prehistoric Venus to Cubism and the stately Sphinx.    

In the 2021-2022 edition, the theme chosen by the sculptors was "consequences of climate change". This year we found sculptures such as the following: the offerings to the Three Wise Men were windmills and solar panels, the nativity scene disappeared under the waters of the sea and the "caganer" was accompanied by a pile of rubbish.    

In the 2020-2021 edition, under the measures of COVID-19, the 20th anniversary of the crib was celebrated and the theme of the celebration was children's stories. Each of the mountains of sand represented the different figures of the crib, based on a different fairy tale.  

In the 2019-2020 edition, the works we found were inspired by the marine world, also making a strong criticism of the pollution of the sea, with a plastic bag waving among the aquatic animals. Some of the unique sculptures we encountered were the three Wise Men in the shape of an amphibian, angels in the shape of mermaids and an octopus laden with hoes, among sheep and fish.   

The spectacular Sand Nativity Scene, in the 2023-2024 edition   

The theme of the 24th edition is nature. In this architectural ensemble we will find the four elements of matter: water, air, earth and fire.    

The sculptural group began construction on Friday, 1st of December, and finished it, to inaugurate the exhibition, on the previous Friday, 8th of December. The crib can be visited until 7th of January 2024. At the same time, various free Christmas-themed family activities will be held, so that young and old alike can enjoy this Vilasecan tradition.   

Programmed activities   

Parallel to the nativity scene, in Pinar del Perruquet Park, Christmas-themed activities are organised for families, which can be attended free of charge.    

Some of the most outstanding activities are:    

  • 16th of December: from 10 to 2 p.m., the little ones will be able to hand in their letters to the pages of the Three Wise Men and, at 12 p.m., there will be a parade with the Christmas elves.   
  • 17th of December: at 12 p.m., carol concert by Arena del Camino Choir.    
  • 23rd of December: at 12 p.m., carol concert by Nova Unió Choir.    
  • 31st of December: at 12 p.m., the year will close with the traditional San Silvestre bath.    
  • 5th of January: at 7:20 p.m., the royal cavalcade arrives in La Pineda. There will be a parade and, at the end, presents will be given to the little ones in the Municipal Sports Pavilion.    

To travel to La Pineda, in Costa Dorada, from cities such as Tarragona, Reus, Salou, Cambrils, Barcelona Airport or Barcelona, you can check schedules of BusPlana regular lines at www.empresaplana.cat. Remember that if you live in Vila-seca or La Plana, you can opt for Line 1 of the city bus to get around the three centres of the town. 


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