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Celebrate the Diada de Catalunya, travelling with BusPlana

Celebrate the Diada de Catalunya, travelling with BusPlana

Once again this year, all the Catalan towns and villages dress up to commemorate the Diada de Catalunya, organising a wide range of activities and institutional events throughout the day to highlight the history and identity of the Catalan people. The streets are filled with popular dances, such as the “sardanes” and the “balls de bastons”, as well as the best “castells” performances in the territory.   

Some of the cities which will hold most of the activities are Barcelona, Tarragona and Reus, among others; although other towns on Costa Dorada and Camp de Tarragona also stand out, such as Valls, Cambrils, Salou and Vila-seca. With BusPlana you can travel to all these destinations on our regular lines. You can check all the schedules on our website. Also, as we are the official airport shuttle service, you can buy the official tickets for your transfer from Barcelona Airport to Costa Dorada online. 

Origin of the Diada de Catalunya  

The origin of the Diada dates back to a key event in the history of Catalonia: the fall of Barcelona on the 11th of September 1714 during the War of the Spanish Succession. This conflict, which took place between 1701 and 1714, was a struggle for the throne between the supporters of the Archduke Carlos of Austria and those of the Bourbon Felipe V. In the case of Barcelona, it fought alongside other regions of the Crown of Aragon in support of Archduke Charles in defence of its historical rights and privileges.  

However, after a long siege, Barcelona fell to the Bourbon troops of Felipe V, marking the end of Catalan resistance and the incorporation of Catalonia into the new centralist order that the monarch would impose. As a result of the defeat, King Felipe V promulgated the Nueva Planta Decrees, which abolished Catalan political institutions and abolished its laws and charters. 

It should be noted that Tarragona was also one of the last Catalan cities to resist this occupation, passing into the hands of the new Bourbon authorities on the 14th of July 1713.  

But the celebration of this day, every 11th of September, did not take place until the 19th century, specifically in 1886, when a mass was held to commemorate this historical milestone in the church of Santa Maria del Mar.  

In 1888, a sculpture was installed in homage to Rafael Casanova, who was “conseller en cap” (chief councillor) of Barcelona during the siege and became a symbol of the Catalan struggle. This monument was initially placed in front of the Arc de Triomf, but later, in 1914, it was moved to the Ronda de Sant Pere. It is worth noting that during the Franco regime, this sculpture was hidden in a municipal warehouse until, after the fall of the regime, it was recovered and placed again in the same location during the celebration of the Diada in 1977. 

 Floral tributes to the monument of Rafael Casanova  

One of the most significant events that has been held throughout history, since 1897, is the floral tribute to the monument of Rafael Casanova, which takes place in all the Catalan municipalities and involves the participation of authorities and cultural and sporting organisations, who place bunches of flowers next to the sculpture, achieving a unique, colourful result every year.  

Some of the floral tributes you can visit are the one in Barcelona, in Ronda de Sant Pere; the one in Tarragona, next to the Passeig Marítim Rafael Casanova; and the one in Salou, in the Plaça de l'Onze de Setembre, among many others. During the day, the ‘Himne dels Segadors’, the anthem of Catalonia, will also be performed, whose lyrics were written by Emili Guanyavents and whose melody was adapted by Francesc Alió.  

Castells and sardanes  

Given that the Diada de Catalunya celebrates Catalan history and culture, there can be no shortage of activities revolving around the latter. The cultural wealth of the territory takes to the streets on this day, in its best clothes, to offer performances that vindicate the importance of popular culture.   

One of the most deeply-rooted traditions are the Castells, constructions of human towers that emerged in the 18th century and are now considered Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. They promote values such as solidarity, cooperation, effort and a sense of belonging among their participants.   

It is because of their great popularity that, this 11th of September, you will be able to see many of the “collas castelleras” (human towers groups) of the territory displaying their exuberant towers in the squares of Catalan towns and villages. One of the most eagerly awaited events on this date is the Diada Castellera in Tarragona, a city of reference in the “casteller” world.  

The event will take place in the Pla de la Seu, one of the most iconic places in the capital of Tarragona, in front of Tarragona Cathedral, and will feature the participation of the four groups of the city: Xiquets de Tarragona, Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona, Xiquets del Serrallo and Colla Castellera Sant Pere i Sant Pau.  

You can also see different castells performances in other destinations, such as Barcelona, in different parts of the city; in the town of Valls, specifically, in the Plaça del Blat, known as the kilometre zero of the castells; as well as in Vila-seca, with the Xiquets de Vila-seca group, in the Castle's garden.

Guided tours 

Barcelona also opens the doors of its museums and cultural centres, organising special events such as, for example, the express visit ‘11 de setembre, memòria d'una desfeta’ and family visits at El Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria; as well as guided visits on the War of Succession and the 11th of September 1714 at the Museum of the History of Catalonia.  

Don't miss any of the most traditional events of the Diada de Catalunya. Remember that with the regular BusPlana lines you can travel to Barcelona, Tarragona, Reus, Valls, Cambrils, Salou and Vila-seca, among other towns in the Costa Dorada and Camp de Tarragona. You can check all the schedules on our website. Also, as we are the official airport shuttle service, you can buy the official tickets for your transfer from Barcelona Airport to Costa Dorada online.


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